Pina the bee
Childhood from 5 years old, Primary school

Fields of experience
- The self and the other
- The body and movement
- Images, sounds, colors
- Speeches and words
- Knowledge of the world
- Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology and engineering
- Digital competence
- Personal, social and learning to learn competence
Life Skills
- Improvement of self-awareness and self-consciousness
- Improvement in Emotion Management
- Increased Creative and Critical Thinking
- Ability to make decisions and problem solving
- Stress management
- Negotiation and conflict management skills
Subjects involved
- Sciences
- Mathematics
- Art and Image
- Technology
- Geography
How to propose the scenario
Children are given simple instructions with a clear definition of objectives. The introduction to the scenario could be done with the common creation of a poster with the rules or a specially designed teaching card to be included in the notebook. The content of the scenario allows links to scientific and literary subjects.
Examples of activities:
The world of bees: creation of educational cards on the life cycle of bees, honey production and awareness of the problem of bee disappearance due to insecticides and pollution. Introduction of the scenario to help the Bee to reach the flowers and avoid insecticide.
The adventures of the Pina Bee: starting from the use of the scenario, creation of a comic strip story that tells the adventures of the protagonist Pina in overcoming obstacles and carrying out her mission to collect flowers. Possibility to think of a new character, invented in the comic strip, to be introduced in the scenario.